Thursday, February 22, 2007

Me Hide, You Seek, Again

When life chooses to make you miserable, it can do so in a thousand ways.

It's a terrible feeling when you realize that you were not given the opportunity to prove your worth, though you know in some deep corner of your heart that you deserved it... and that reinforces your belief in yourself... that makes you try harder... to urge yourself forward and defeat 'fate' and write your own destiny.

But what when you realize that perhaps, you are not good enough... that perhaps, you did not even deserve what little you possess... perhaps, you were given an opportunity but you failed... that your dreams are just that... dreams, which would never turn to reality...

Not wanting to make this sound like another maudlin blog, I digress... digress from what I actually feel and want to say.. but would try to say that nevertheless, in a different way.

The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy narrates a story, among many others. That story tells you something about a certain 'Total Perspective Vortex'* which is powerful enough to suck your soul out of your body without actually doing so. What is simply does is to show you how infinitesimally small you are when compared to the universe at large. Now I understand why it can do what it can do?

We dream, we aspire, we want to conquer the world. And, naively, believe that hard-work will sail us through. It will give us the ultimate glory... that which every mortal craves for. I did too.
And, then, after having ruined half my life doing nothing but slogging my ass off, I realize I am on the wrong path. And, add to it the terribleness of whatever I was trying to describe above. If you identify with what I said, maybe, you should start a blog too!

So, what happens next? One option is to damn MBA and flee.... flee to the world that is yours... where you were someone too.. where the Vortex would have failed...
Another option is to fight.. with what little you have... maybe, you will never do great things.. maybe, your dreams would never come true... maybe, you never deserved them after all... but you tried.. you believed.. and maybe, you.... deserve.

*Thanks to Wikipedia for having articles for almost everything under the Sun

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Sanity Break

Three days of break from the insanely fast life here... on account of Unmaad, the cultural fest of IIMB.

Hoping to regain some sanity and re-energize my morale, body and mind...